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Fear or Faith?

It's been a while, I know! 3 years! So much has changed! But God!

Ever stepped out into the unknown? Taken a chance not knowing the outcome of your decision? That's the story of my life. From my past courses of study to my profession, I've always walked in FAITH! My passion for Sport wasn't the "luck of the draw", nor was it the "popular" thing to do; it was and is my God-given call.

When you begin to reflect on your life from a spiritual perspective, you process things differently. You look back on past mistakes, not with regret, but with the surety of a lesson learned. You no longer fear that you lack the maturity to be successful but you have the faith that in following God's plan, he has the power to fulfil every promise (Luke 1:45).

You no longer question whether you've made the best choice, but in prayer you make the only choice; that is to listen to his voice and follow his every instruction. You see, fear creates doubt, and in that doubt not only comes  the question of your ability but also the question of your value as a person. That's where the enemy likes to keep us! In my moments of past doubt, I sought the Book of Life and it reassured me that, "God hath not given us a spirit of fear... but of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7) Those feelings that you may have of failure, depression and despair, I nullify today in Jesus' mighty name and I call you forth to walk in his glory!

I encourage you, wherever you are and whatever you do. Stay fixed and focused on God's call. You'll know it when you feel every bit of joy in your heart for every accomplishment, whether large or small.

Feel free to comment or leave a message in the Contact Form!

Don't forget to follow @dmlsportpsych on Instagram and Twitter!



  1. Spot on with this write-up, I absolutely believe that this website needs much more attention. I’ll probably be back mental training for sports


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